Abbas Lakha KC

Abbas Lakha KC

King's Counsel





"Abbas is an exceptional advocate. He has real presence in court and inspires confidence in clients."

Legal 500, 2025


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Abbas Lakha KC is widely regarded as one of the UK’s most successful and respected leading silks, with a heavyweight practice which encompasses a broad range of specialist areas.

He is regularly instructed to advise upon and defend in the most challenging and high-profile cases. He is particularly sought after to advise in International financial crime cases, representing clients both in the UK and around the world.

Background and Expertise

Abbas has experience in all forms of Civil and Criminal Fraud and asset forfeiture work, including restraint and confiscation, and appears before the Tax Tribunals (First Tier and Upper Tier) in respect of VAT and Tax cases. He is highly respected for his advocacy, his attention to detail and his negotiating skills. Regularly instructed to advise at the pre-investigative stages of cases, Abbas has extensive experience of representing high profile individuals for whom reputation management is a significant concern.

Rated in Chambers UK and Legal 500 directories as a leader in the fields of international crime, murder, terrorism, financial crime and asset forfeiture, Abbas Lakha KC is noted for his detailed preparation, incisive examination and strong jury advocacy. He is particularly skilled in handling international money laundering cases, bribery and corruption prosecutions, VAT frauds, missing trader frauds and insider dealing cases.


Areas of Expertise

  • Financial Crime

Expertise in defending in large-scale HMRC MTIC/VAT frauds, SFO cases, Bribery and Corruption allegations, money laundering cases, and fraud related civil proceedings in the High Court [with civil Juniors].

Notable cases include: HMRC v Sunico ApS and Others, R v Goddard (Operation Vaulter), R v Gathani (Operation Inertia), R v Hague (Operation District), Z Khan v HMRC.

  • Tax and Fraud

Abbas has experience in all forms of Civil and Criminal Fraud and asset forfeiture work, including restraint and confiscation, and appears before the Tax Tribunals (First Tier and Upper Tier) in respect of VAT and Tax cases.

In the Criminal Courts he has defended in some of the most high profile tax and duty evasion cases over the years including R v Goddard (Operation Vaulter), R v Gathani (Operation Inertia), R v Hague (Operation District) and the London City Bond series of cases.

In the Tax Tribunals (First Tier and Upper Tier) Abbas has appeared on behalf of Directors and Companies in cases concerning penalties, personal liability notices, HMRC’s decisions to withhold input Tax and excise duties arising from a failure to follow HMRC procedures.  He is also regularly instructed in an advisory capacity to assist Companies and Individuals wishing to challenge HMRC actions which are seen to be in excess of power.

  • International Crime

Work undertaken includes being a Consultant to the Sabra Team at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, advisor to a Kenyan politician (extradition request from Jersey to Kenyan authorities) charged with corruption and money laundering, advisor to former British soldiers on anti-piracy duty in the Indian Ocean arrested in India, advising a Russian oligarch in relation to his financial affairs in the UK, and advising British Nationals residing in the UAE in respect of potential prosecution for financial fraud in the UK.

  • Extradition

Experience of challenging European and International Arrest Warrants including Interpol Red Alert Notices.

  • Domestic Crime Including Rape and Murder

Notable expertise in both large multi-handed murder cases, contract/organized crime cases, through to terrorism related murders as well as allegations of Sexual Crime, both current and historical.

  • Regulatory Work

Undertakes VAT Tribunal work before the Upper and First Tier Tribunals and represents Accountants, Lawyers, Medical personnel and sports personalities before their disciplinary Tribunals.

Abbas successfully appealed against HMRC’s decision to cancel Brac Saajan Exchange Limited’s registration under The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017.

Brac Saajan is a successful money service bureau which is required to register with HMRC. HMRC cancelled Brac’s registration because it believed that were widescale breaches of the Money Laundering Regulations.

In a 10 day hearing at the First Tier Tribunal, Abbas was able to demonstrate that the majority of the breaches HMRC contended were simply not made out. Focusing on the errors in approach and interpretation by HMRC and its officer Sarah Chapman, Abbas succeeded in reversing the decision to cancel BSEL’s registration and the decisions that individual officers of Brac were not fit and proper person and to impose a permanent prohibition on three officers from holding a management role.

  • Private Prosecutions

Abbas has experience of prosecuting and defending in private prosecutions on behalf of both individuals and corporate entities and is a member of the Private Prosecutors’ Association. He can lead clients through the procedural maze of the Criminal Justice System in mounting a Private Prosecution, the thorny issue of disclosure right up to preparing and presenting the prosecution case at trial.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

R v H and H

R v B

Jubilee Line Fraud

Bribery and Corruption

R v R, 2024

Drugs and Firearms conspiracies in the Midlands; the defendant R was alleged to be a significant criminal player in the area. The investigation into his activities had been ongoing for a number of years but came to a head during lock down in 2020 when the Encro chat platform was infiltrated by European Investigative agencies who provided the UK authorities with the fruits of their labour. In the case of this D it was alleged that he was involved in large scale supply of drugs and firearms based on the Encro chat traffic that was intercepted.

Birmingham Crown Court 

R v V, 2021

The case involves the largest ever importations of Class A drugs from the Netherlands over a period of two years and the D V is alleged to be the Dutch mastermind behind the importations which flooded the North East of the United Kingdom. This is a VHCC which has been split into 4 trials each lasting over 6 months.

Complexities: Extradition; Mastery of the Vast Scale of the evidence; foreign intercept evidence. 

Manchester Crown Court


Austria v PN

R v M

Jersey v O and G

View Extradition
Financial Crime

R v B and Ors, Trial in 2025

A Prosecution by Devon and Cornwall Police into Bribery and Corruption in the granting of contracts by Eon for the construction of Combined Heat and Power Systems supplying electricity to the Devon and Cornwall regions.

Winchester Crown Court

Operation Yulan, R v P, 2024

This operation follows an 8-year investigation into an alleged Pension Liberation Fraud whereby vast sums of Pension Monies were unlawfully extracted from the Pension Funds of 100’s of alleged Victims. The case has been categorised a VHCC because of its complexity, the international reach of the alleged fraud and the vast amount of evidence relied upon. 

Leeds Crown Court

R v H, 2024

The defendants were charged with tax evasion of £3.6 million on a substantial property transaction involving the Local Council. The tax evasion involved the use of a complex web of offshore structures in the BVI and Gibraltar. Ultimately, I was able to negotiate a settlement which allowed the Court to defer sentence for the payment of the evaded Tax in full.

Leeds Crown Court

Brac Sajan v HMRC, 2022

This was an Appeal against HMRC’s decision to revoke the Regulatory Licence of a Money Service Business for alleged breaches of The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations. Brac Sejan (BSEL) had an impeccable background and had traded without complaint for the best part of 20 years. Issues only arose on the appointment of an aggressive HMRC Manager who with little notice withdrew BSEL’s Licence on the basis of an extensive list of alleged Failures under various Regulations. An expedited Appeal was launched as BSELs business came to a standstill overnight following the revocation. Following a resounding victory and a judgment which exonerated BSEL entirely of any wrongdoing, HMRC were compelled to Review their procedures.

First Tier Tax Tribunal

HMRC v S A and Others

R v G (Operation Vaulter)

R v G (Operation Inertia)

R v H (Operation District)


View Financial Crime
Investigatory Powers Tribunal

R v F and Others, 2023

Representing 14 Applicants before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal in a complaint relating to Unlawful interception of Data following a Pan European Operation. The operation led to Worldwide arrests of alleged Master Criminals involved in the most serious criminality. The challenge before the IPT has the potential to lead to the staying of all Criminal Trials relying on evidence obtained from the interception of data and as such is the most high-profile Litigation in the Country.

I am also instructed in the associated Criminal Trials wherein the charges include Conspiracy to Murder, Conspiracy to Possess Automatic and Semi-Automatic Weapons with Intent, and a multitude of Drugs Conspiracies at the very highest end.

Complexities: the interpretation of the Investigatory Powers Act and the concept of ‘Bulk interception’ wrongly being the subject of Targeted Equipment Interference Warrants; lack of candour and its impact on the validity of the Warranty granted by the Commissioner; breaches of ss. 9 and 10 of the IPA and the consequences and potential breach of Article 8 arising from the unlawful interception of Communications.

Investigative Powers Tribunal

Read more:

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v T, 2024

The Defendant was a Nepalese man who came to this country as a refugee without a bean. He built up a very successful vape business and eventually married a Latvian lady who had 3 children from a previous marriage. He cared for them as his own until the marriage broke down when the family moved out. Allegations were made by the children of sexual abuse over many years from a young age. The Defendant’s case was that these allegations were a revenge for not supporting the family in the way he had for many years. He was acquitted of all the charges.

Leeds Crown Court

R v Z

R v F and Others

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v A (Fusilier Lee Rigby)

R v K (alleged Al Qaeda operative)

R v F (ricin case)

R v S and others (Afghan Hijacking)

View Counter Terrorism


  • The Bar Council of England and Wales
  • The Criminal Bar Association
  • The European Criminal Bar Association
  • International Bar Association
  • The International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association
  • The Society of Asian Lawyers
  • The Society of Black Lawyers
  • Bencher of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (2009)
  • Inspector for the Department of Trade and Industry (2000)
  • The Criminal Bar Association of England & Wales Co-opted Committee Member
  • The Bar Council of England & Wales VHCC Fees Committee
  • Member of the Crime Editorial Board of LexisNexis
  • BA (Hons), Leeds Beckett University,  1980-83
  • Barrister at Law, Bar School, Council of Legal Education, 1983-84

"A fantastic leader with wonderful client handling skills, and his advocacy is targeted, persuasive and effective."

Legal 500, 2025

"Abbas is a brilliant negotiator and is able to achieve incredible outcomes for his clients."

Legal 500, 2025

"A fine silk, who is highly able and very personable."

Chambers UK, 2024

"Abbas is one of the best advocates at the Bar – his ability to make cogent representations, pinpointing the issues at hand distinguishes him from his peers."

Legal 500, 2024