Andrew Bousfield

Andrew Bousfield

Junior Counsel



"Andrew interacts very effectively and respectfully with the judiciary who clearly respect him..."



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Andrew Bousfield is a detailed and forensic criminal practitioner, who will leave no stone unturned. He draws on his background as an investigative journalist in assessing and collecting evidence, acting both for the prosecution and defence.

Andrew has also acted in many whistleblowing cases, and has an expertise in this area of employment law.

Background and Expertise

Andrew Bousfield takes on instructions in all serious crime matters.

Andrew also has a developing practice in corporate investigations.  Andrew also has  a practice in the proceeds of crime. He is appointed onto the editorial board of Mitchell, Taylor and Talbot, “Confiscation and Proceeds of Crime”, loose-leaf, responsible for case updates in all areas of confiscation law.

He also has a practice in regulatory law (defending professionals in the NMC and HCPC) and has had some notable results.

In crime, Andrew often takes on cases with complex psychiatric evidence.  Andrew has undertaken further education courses in Abnormal Psychology and Personality Psychology at Oxford University, with a dissertation on the use of the personality disorder diagnosis in the criminal justice system.  Andrew uses this knowledge to assess witnesses and assist Defendants where possible.

For many years, Andrew acted as a media lawyer for several newspapers (The Sun, The Mirror, The Sunday Mirror, The Independent) dealing with privacy injunctions, defamation and contempt issues.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Andrew also worked as an investigative journalist for Private Eye magazine. He investigated Russian money laundering through LLP’s, MOD contracts in Saudi Arabia, whistleblowing stories and much more.

In 2014, together with Richard Brooks, he won the Paul Foot award for investigative journalism, for looking into bribery on a military contract in Saudi Arabia, which involved investigating money trails through several offshore jurisdictions. The matter is currently subject to an SFO prosecution, with the trial commencing in 2022 at Southwark Crown Court.

In 2013, also with Richard Brooks, Andrew investigated the use of brass plate shell companies, LLP’s and company service providers to launder stolen Russian monies.

In 2011, Andrew and Dr Phil Hammond were runners up for the Martha Gellhorn international investigative journalism for an eight page special investigation in 2011 into NHS whistleblowers and the use of silencing gag clauses entitled, “Shoot the Messenger”.

Notable Cases


R v MG, 2022

Encrochat cocaine dealing case involving 30kg of cocaine, and complicated attribution evidence. Acting for the driver.

R v HK, 2021

Successful modern slavery defence in front of a jury for drug offences. Psychiatric report and autism diagnosis adduced in evidence as to compulsion.

Financial Crime

R v L et al, 2022

Led junior in prosecution of Lithuanian car ring involved in using signal boosters for car theft and chop shops to sell the parts. Conspiracy of over £1million.

Financial Crime

R v H, 2024

This was a firearms case, where two unknown assailants dressed in black had threatened children at playgrounds with a gun. The Defendants denied presence. There was limited DNA evidence.  he trial lasted three days – I made a series of disclosure requests over three days, and established others were arrested and the DNA match led to a third party who denied presence but his story was not credible. The Judge had serious concerns over disclosure failings, and the Crown Prosecution Service were forced to offer no evidence. 

Wood Green Crown Court

R v AM, 2019

Successful defence of a young woman who admitted handling a handgun for local drug dealers. Exceptional circumstances accepted by the Judge, based on a complicated mental health picture with expert evidence and a sentence of two years suspended.

General Crime

R v C

Defendant on two indictments with a very complicated psychiatric picture.  Historic diagnosis of schizophrenia superseded by Personality Disorder, suggesting he was faking symptoms and seeking admission to mental health units to improve his defence.  I have studied Abnormal Psychology at Oxford University – Night School – and completed a 10,000 dissertation on Personality Disorder as a construct.  I was able to navigate the complicated psychiatric evidence and achieve the best result for the client across the indictments.  I was able to understand complicated forensic psychiatric opinion, and sensitively handle a client found to be faking his psychiatric symptoms.

Croydon and Kingston Crown court

R v L et al, 2021

Led junior in Flying Squad prosecution of an armed robbery on a jewellery shop in Dagenham.

R v Jonty Bravery, 2020

Offences committed in Broadmoor, complicated psychiatric evidence on the interplay between autism and personality disorder.

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v P, 2023

This was a difficult rape whereby the victim identified as a lesbian and gave evidence that Mr P had raped her in her own home when he was 17. Mr P was good character but from a troubled home. The defence involved difficult interactions with Mr P and his mother, a difficult Judge, and cross examining the complainant about her sexuality (a sensitive area). Matters had to be robustly put to fairly represent the Defendant. The sentencing exercise was difficult as D was good character and the Judge had very set views.

Aylesbury Crown Court

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R v K, 2023

This was a rape case which had very sensitive aspects. There were initially two Defendants. The Crown failed to charge the younger 14-year-old Defendant – and we made extensive disclosure and abuse of process applications (suggesting the younger D was lying about his age).  The trial for rape involved sensitive questioning of a young Swedish girl via section 28. The Defendant made numerous allegations against the police and had a rapidly changing account, claiming to be a member of the Tunisian security services.  Disclosure was sought during trial as the defence story changed.

Inner London Crown Court

R v SC, 2023

A rape case where both the complainant and Defendant had significant learning difficulties.  The complainant had given three ABE’s, but I took the view she was lying to the police and had invited the Defendant to her house for sex. I cross examined the complainant via section 28, and the case for the Crown crumbled. In careful questioning, the complainant admitted lying to the police. Following cross examination, the Judge recommended to the Crown Prosecution Service the case would not proceed past half time.  After further robust written representations to counsel and Reviewing Lawyer, the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case before trial.

Snaresbrook Crown Court

R v. SG, 2023

Historic sexual abuse committed whilst babysitting friends’ daughters.

R v. RA, 2022

Defence of allegations of rape. Defendant had a traumatic childhood and a diagnosis of autism and ADHD and was 15 at the time of the offence.

R v. SG, 2022

Defence of allegations of sexual activity with a child. The matter involved several psychiatric reports, multiple diagnoses of inter alia autism and personality disorder, by psychiatrists and psychologist, and the relevant primary diagnosis.

Rape and Sexual Offences

GMC v Dr AK, 2021

Successful defence of consultant respiratory physician in 15 day trial.  No breach of GMP found by the GMC, and a two days costs hearing as to whether proceedings by the GMC were unreasonable.


Successful representation of a midwife with all interim orders removed in the politically sensitive area of Female Genital Mutilation with considerable media interest.

View Disciplinary and Regulatory

R v WO, 2020

Successful defence of an alleged gang member involved in an acid attack on another gang member in traffic.

  • Securing a substantial settlement for a Finance Director of an African renewable energy company, who had whistleblown on suspicious offshore transactions.
  • Securing a substantial settlement for an FX trader against a multinational bank, in proceedings linked to a whistleblowing claim and with allegations of positive discrimination in recruitment and involving FCA functions.
  • Representing an FX trader on a whistleblowing allegation of missing funds and bribery on the Hong Kong desk. With Stephen Harvey QC on the criminal law and bribery element.
  • Representing a Council director-level social worker who had made protected disclosures about a Council Scrutiny Officer who was grooming young children online and on the sexual exploitation of young girls. Application by the Council to have the trial held in private. The BBC were represented, and Andrew Bousfield represented the Claimant in a three week trial.

Read more here

  • Representing a consultant surgeon who submitted 14 serious incident reports, 8 of which led to serious untoward incident reports and apologies to patients. He was then dismissed.
  • Representing an NHS Finance Director who made protected disclosures on “white elephant” procurement contracts within the NHS. After eight preliminary hearings, and an appeal by the Trust to the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
  • Representing a school teacher, on appeal to Employment Appeal Tribunal, who disclosed failures in the exam system at Wyndonham College. Reported in the Telegraph.

Read more here

  • Represented a military GP, with alleged protected disclosures on opiate medication going missing on base in the UK. Multi week whistleblowing trial against Ministry of Defence. Led by John Hendy QC. Reported in the Mail and Telegraph.
  • Represented a University Professor of Physics who alleged she had made protected disclosures on grade inflation, student evaluation scores (SOLE scores) being used to “dumb down” the teaching of physics and repeating the same questions with strong hints each year. Expert evidence from the previous Chair of Physics at Cambridge University.
  • Assisted a Professor of Psychiatry who brought a claim in whistleblowing and disability discrimination and won at trial.
  • Dr Hayley Dare v. Broadmoor (West London Mental Health Trust). Andrew represented Dr Dare, the Clinical Director for Women’s Forensic Services at Broadmoor, in a one week trial for whistleblowing detriments.

R v. LP, 2020

Defence of a 15 year old boy with learning difficulties charged with stabbing his grandmother who required an intermediary. Complicated psychiatric evidence with three consultant forensic psychiatrists giving evidence on “dissociative episodes”.



  • Criminal Bar Association
  • South Eastern Circuit
  • Employment Lawyers Association
  • CPS Panel (Grade 3)
  • CPS Proceeds of Crime Panel (Grade 3)
  • Accredited to deal with vulnerable witnesses
  • University College London, LLM, 2004
  • ICSL, 2003
  • Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, 2002