Andrew Judge

Andrew Judge

Junior Counsel



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Andrew has a busy practice prosecuting and defending in the Crown Court. 

Andrew has developed a criminal practice spanning a wide range of offences. He has prosecuted and defended in cases involving serious violence, domestic abuse, drug supply, dishonesty, sexual offences and fraud.

Andrew is currently a Grade 2 CPS General Crime Panel Advocate, and he is also on the Serious Crime CPS Panel at Grade 2. 

Andrew is thorough in his preparation for cases and a determined advocate on his feet. He has experience in dealing with vulnerable defendants with mental health issues and has acted in matters involving intermediaries, ground rules hearings and section 28 hearings.

Outside of work, Andrew is a keen runner and follows Coventry City Football Club.

Notable Cases


R v R and B, 2024

Prosecution - Andrew prosecuted R and B for Conspiracy to Supply Class A drugs. The case involved a storage unit that had been rented by one of the Defendants where both R and B were storing drugs. This involved extensive CCTV and phone evidence. R and B pleaded on the second day of trial.

Portsmouth Crown Court

R v S, 2024

Defence - Andrew was instructed to represent S at his committal for sentence hearing where he had pleaded guilty to importing 12kg of cocaine.

Isleworth Crown Court

Financial Crime

R v H and H, 2024

Prosecution - Andrew prosecuted both H’s for, collectively, 17 counts of Fraud by False Representation. The Defendants had befriended a vulnerable person and gained access to her bank cards and used them to withdraw money. The Complainant was particularly vulnerable and required special measures in the form of a section 28 hearing for video recorded cross-examination. One of the Defendant’s pleaded at an early stage and the other was found guilty at trial of three of the 4 counts that related to him.

Luton Crown Court

Financial Crime
General Crime

R v F, 2024

Defence - Andrew represented F who was charged with Assaulting an Emergency Worker at Notting Hill Carnival. She had pleaded guilty to a single count of Assaulting an Emergency Worker at an early stage but was acquitted of a second count of the same offence after trial.

City Nightingale Crown Court

R v C, R and C, 2023

Defence - Andrew represented the first of three defendants, C, who was charged with three robberies in Oxford City Centre. C was 17 at the time of the trial and his co-defendants were adults.

Oxford Crown Court

R v B and C, 2023

Defence - Andrew represented the second defendant, B, in a cash in transit robbery case which lasted 10 days. This case involved complex cell site data and phone evidence.

Snaresbrook Crown Court 

R v B and O, 2023

Defence - Andrew represented O in Theft trial at Birmingham Crown Court. The Defendants, both bailiffs, were accused of stealing monies for personal gain but it was argued that they were simply using the tactic of concealment to secure money against a debt. The Defendants were unanimously acquitted.

Birmingham Crown Court

Immigration, Nationality and Asylum

R v O, 2024

Defence - Andrew represented O who was charged with Helping an Asylum Seeker for Gain to Arrive in the UK, s25 (A)(1) of the Immigration Act 1971. O had made his way to Dunkirk from Iraq but could not afford a seat on a small boat over to the UK. In lieu of money, he was allowed to travel to the UK if he steered the boat. The issue was whether he ‘gained’ for the purpose of the legislation.

Canterbury Crown Court

Immigration, Nationality and Asylum
Public Order

R v D, 2024

Defence - Andrew represented D at his actus reus trial where he was charged with a Racially Aggravated Public Order offence. He had been found unfit to plead or stand trial due to his autism and Aspergers syndrome diagnoses.

St Albans Crown Court

Public Order

R v S, 2024

Prosecution - Andrew prosecuted S for offences of section 18 GBH, Attempted Robbery and Possession of an Imitation Firearm where the Defendant was convicted of all offences. This case involved the Defendant shooting the Complainant in the eye with an air pistol in order to rob him causing the Complainant to lose the sight in his right eye.

Maidstone Crown Court

R v C, 2024

Prosecution - Andrew prosecuted C for ABH in a case where the Complainant had refused to support the Crown’s case. The Crown proceeded in a victimless prosecution against C as the majority of the evidence was on CCTV. The Defendant was convicted.

Isleworth Crown Court

R v T, 2022

Defence - Andrew represented T at his trial at Harrow Crown Court where he was charged with Threatening with a Bladed Article in a Private Place, Criminal Damage, Intentional Strangulation, ABH, Battery and Possession of Cannabis. T pleaded guilty to the Criminal Damage and Possession of Cannabis and was acquitted of all other offences after trial.

Harrow Crown Court



  • Criminal Bar Association
  • The Honourable Society of Middle Temple
  • CPS General Crime Panel (Grade 2)
  • CPS Serious Crime Panel (Grade 2)
  • 2017 University of Birmingham, LLB (2:1)
  • 2019 University of Law, Birmingham, Bar Professional Training Course, Very Competent