Corinne Bramwell

Corinne Bramwell

Junior Counsel



"Corinne is incredibly astute, especially when dealing with vulnerable witnesses and sensitive issues..."

Legal 500, 2025


On this page

Corinne Bramwell is a specialist criminal and regulatory law practitioner recognised as a leading individual in criminal law by Legal 500 and Chambers UK. 

Corinne was shortlisted for the Legal 500 Bar Award for Crime and Extradition Junior of the Year 2024.

Background and Expertise

Corinne has extensive experience in both defence and prosecution, and is regularly sought after for her expertise in cases of the utmost gravity and sensitivity, including homicide and serious sexual offences. Corinne also has substantial experience in complex financial crime.

Corinne is known for her attention to detail, tenacity, and ability to achieve favourable outcomes for her clients. She is an excellent communicator, erudite and tactically astute.

In addition to her criminal law expertise, Corinne has a successful practice in regulatory law and professional disciplinary matters. She represents professionals and regulators.

Corinne is an appointed SFO (panel B), and CPS (grade 4) prosecutor. She is a specialist (CPS) panel advocate for counter terrorism, fraud, serious crime, rape and serious sexual offences and extradition.

Corinne is qualified under the Bar Council's direct access scheme, allowing her, in appropriate cases,  to accept instructions directly from the public. She is a member of the Bar Council Bar Representation Committee and a qualified pupil barrister supervisor. 

Notable Cases


R v Q and R, 2021

Prosecution Counsel - driver and passenger convicted in “landmark” case of causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving and aiding and abetting causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving respectively. Both defendants received immediate custodial sentences.

R v O and M, 2018

Prosecution Counsel - two defendants convicted of causing serious injury by dangerous driving where one of two racing cars struck a pedestrian causing loss of limb.


R v H, 2023

Defence Counsel – secured suspended sentence for 22-year-old client who pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

See My Local News report here

Financial Crime

R v C and 5 others, 2021

Prosecution Counsel (leading) – Six defendants, convicted following trial, of conspiracies to commit fraud on bookmakers (valued at around £1.7m) and associated conspiracies to launder the proceeds.

See Daily Mail here

R v K and others, 2019

Prosecution Counsel (led) - £34-million, sophisticated Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) fraud and associated money-laundering enterprise.

See BBC article

R v D and others, 2019

Prosecution Counsel - Contested confiscation for £5-million Gift Aid fraud and multi-jurisdiction money laundering. The case involved multiple sources of evidence obtained from abroad using the International Letter of Request (ILOR) scheme.

See Daily Express here

R v M and M, 2017

Prosecution Counsel (led) - £50-million, three-defendant fraud prosecuted by HMRC and the CPS. The case involved complex legal argument on the issue of ‘double jeopardy’ pursuant to Article 54 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement including expert evidence from a Professor of Italian law.

Read more on:

R v D and others, 2016

Prosecution Counsel (led) - £5-million, four-defendant Gift Aid fraud and multi-jurisdiction money laundering trial.

Read more on:

Financial Crime

R v R and P, 2022

Prosecution Counsel – defendants convicted of possessing firearms with intent to endanger life.

R v S and C, 2020

Defence Counsel – represented an 18-year-old accused of possession of a firearm and possession of ammunition without a certificate.

R v D, 2019

Defence Counsel - represented man accused of armed robbery of a Ladbrokes betting shop.

General Crime

R v B, 2024

Defence Counsel - client acquitted of strangulation, stalking and breach of a non-molestation order after prosecution offer no evidence following submissions on serious disclosure failings.

R v L, R and C, 2020

Prosecution Counsel (leading) - three defendants convicted of conspiracy to procure a miscarriage by administering a poison following a trial before a High Court Judge. The trial involved complex legal issues in respect of the legal definition of miscarriage, and whether the mother could be a party to the conspiracy.

See Daily Mail article

R v H, 2018

Defence Counsel - client acquitted of assault and false imprisonment. The trial involved contested expert evidence on blood spatter.

R v M, 2017

Successful appeal concerning the operation of Article 54 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement ne bis in idem principle of ‘double jeopardy’ based on previous criminal proceedings in Italy - led by Tim Owen QC and David Hughes.

R v W, 2017

Prosecution counsel in a successful, expedited appeal against a terminating ruling, following a contested application for a stay for abuse of process, due to the impact of delay in bringing the prosecution on the competency of a 6-year-old complainant, pursuant to s.53 of the YJCEA 1999. Corinne also appeared for the prosecution at the subsequent trial where the defendant was convicted.

See Welwyn and Hatfield Times report here


GDC v Z, 2022

Sexual misconduct.

NMC v C, 2016

Poor midwifery practices following neonatal deaths.

Murder and Manslaughter

R v V and others, 2024

Defence Counsel (led) – client acquitted of murder following trial. 

Central Criminal Court

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R v W and others, 2022

Defence Counsel (led) in a three-defendant murder trial at the Central Criminal Court.

R v B and others, 2021

Prosecution Counsel (led) – four defendants convicted of the murder and manslaughter of a member of a rival county-line drugs gang.

Read BBC News reports here and here


Murder and Manslaughter
Rape and Sexual Offences

R v W, 2024

Defence Counsel - client acquitted by jury of four offences of the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl. 

R v R, 2024

Prosecution Counsel - defendant convicted of serious sexual offences against four teenage girls. The offences were committed over a period of four years when the defendant was aged 15-18 and the complainants were all aged between 13-16.

R v B, 2023

Defence Counsel - client acquitted by jury of two offences of committing assaults on lone women with intent to commit rape or sexual assault.

R v O, 2023

Prosecution Counsel (led) – defendant convicted of the 'stranger' rape of four young women.

Read more on:

R v D, 2023

Prosecution Counsel – defendant convicted of four-year campaign of rape against a child aged 10-13. Defendant received an extended sentence of 27 years.

R v F, 2022

Prosecution Counsel – defendant sentenced to 20 years for a campaign of rape against a child following a finding of ‘dangerousness’.

R v DN, 2021

Prosecution Counsel – defendant convicted of sexual activity with a child and sexual assault.

Read more on:

R v F, 2018

Defence counsel - client acquitted, following trial, of allegations of sexually assaulting a former sexual partner.

R v N, 2018

Prosecution counsel – defendant convicted of historical sexual offences committed 39 years ago against a familial child aged 11. The case involved contested expert evidence from chartered clinical psychologists on ‘false memory syndrome’.

R v K, 2016

Prosecution Counsel - defendant convicted of 35 serious sexual offences spanning 12 years against six complainants, the youngest of whom was aged 2. He received a life sentence.

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v L, 2023

Defence Counsel - Client acquitted of domestic violence assault occasioning actual bodily harm after prosecution offer no evidence following contested submissions on serious disclosure failings.

R v G and L, 2022

Prosecution Counsel – defendants convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm and cruelty to a 16-month-old.



  • Inner Temple
  • South Eastern Circuit
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • CPS panel (Grade 4)
  • SFO panel (Grade B)
  • CPS RASSO panel
  • CPS Serious Crime panel (Grade 4)
  • CPS Counter Terrorism panel (Grade 3)
  • CPS Fraud panel (Grade 3)
  • CPS Extradition panel ( Grade 2)
  • Direct Access qualified
  • Qualified Pupil Supervisor
  • Bar Council Bar Representation Committee Member
  • BVC - Inns of Court School of Law, City University
  • LLB (Hons) - European, International and Comparative Law, University of Sheffield and University of Helsinki

"Her ability to master and assess the real issues in the case, in particular the unused material, is also key to her success."

Legal 500, 2025

"Corinne is a meticulous barrister who is universally respected by both judges and opponents."

Chambers UK, 2024

"Corinne is a highly accomplished junior with a command of all areas of the case. Her cool, calm and smooth manner instils confidence and reflects her quiet mastery of cases."

Legal 500, 2024

"She's got a very nice, persuasive manner and she quickly grasps the case."

Chambers UK, 2024