Graeme Logan

Graeme Logan

Junior Counsel



"Graeme is a very competent and astute advocate, who is good with clients."

Chambers UK, 2024


On this page

Graeme is a highly experienced and skilful advocate who has both prosecuted and defended over his 20 years at the independent bar.

His calm and approachable style makes him very popular with clients and solicitors alike. He is always prepared to go out of his way to assist and advise priding himself on a 24/7 approach.

Background and Expertise

He specialises in defending cases of serious and organised crime. He has successfully built a nationwide client base, which sees him appearing in some of the most serious cases across most circuits. He is very much accustomed to dealing with large volumes of material and has a good understanding of digital evidence and cell-site material.

Throughout his time at the bar he has been instructed to defend in many high-profile and complex cases, from fraud and money laundering to serious violence and drugs cases. He has a particular expertise in representing those charged with criminal conspiracy. He has extensive knowledge of POCA and forfeiture proceedings, having prosecuted for HMRC for many years prior to specialising in defence work.

Graeme also has an interest in, and experience of, military law and courts martial. He was appointed junior legal adviser to the deputy commander of London District during an Army Board of Enquiry investigating an internal allegation involving certain military units operating in Northern Ireland.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

R v D and 3 others, 2023

The client was charged alongside 3 others with an immigration fraud which centred on the creation of fake marriage certificates by allegedly corrupt officials in Nigeria. The case involved complicated issues of Nigerian customary laws and required expert evidence on that point. The defendant’s case was that he himself was a dupe and victim of the fraud. He was acquitted and a re-trial is due for the remaining defendants. The trial was heard at Woolwich Crown Court and lasted 5 weeks.

R v L and others, 2018

Acquittal of client in multi-handed conspiracy to steal. The trial lasted 6 weeks and centred on mobile phone data and cell site material. The only witness cross-examined by Graeme in this case was the prosecutions phone expert and his client was the only one acquitted.

Chelmsford Crown Court

R v C and others, 2018

Acquittal of client charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The client was a Chartered Legal Executive and police station representative accused of passing on information to a wanted suspect in a murder enquiry. This case involved close analysis of the contents of numerous digital storage devices. Lasted 5 weeks. Led by Timothy Raggatt KC.

Reading Crown Court

Bribery and Corruption

R v AB and others, 2024

I represented a defendant charged alongside 5 others with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. It was alleged that the defendants were running a county lines drug enterprise from Birmingham into Swindon. The prosecution case was based in the main on extensive call data records, cell site and ANPR.

Furthermore, class A drugs were found to be in the possession of my client. After extensive negotiations the prosecution accepted pleas to substantive counts of being possession of class A drugs with intent. After a lengthy delay and a deferment, the defendant received a suspended sentence.

R v G, 2020

Graeme, leading Scott Smith, represented the first defendant of six in a two month trial. The trial related to allegations of conspiring to manage a brothel, money laundering and conspiring to supply class A drugs (cocaine). The charges arose after a covert police operation which subsequently uncovered  two kilogrammes of cutting agent at the relevant address. A guilty plea was entered to managing a brothel. The defendant was acquitted of conspiring to supply cocaine after trial.

Wood Green Crown Court

R v A and others, 2019

Defendant charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. Allegation that client, who had learning difficulties, had been the courier of a kilo of cocaine. Acquitted.

Blackfriars Crown Court

R v M, 2018

Client was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He was said to be a high-ranking member of an international drug gang co-ordinating the importation and distribution of cocaine throughout the midlands and south of England. Lasted 8 weeks. The case involved masses of material including mobile phone data and international cell-site evidence. Led by Timothy Raggatt KC.

Oxford Crown Court

R v H and five others, 2017

Client acquitted in a six-handed Class A drugs conspiracy at Basildon Crown Court, lasting five weeks.

R v M and another, 2016 

Drugs and firearms trial.

Wood Green Crown Court

R v Q and others, 2014

Nine-handed drugs conspiracy, valued at over £100m.

Kingston Crown Court

Financial Crime

R v C and others, 2018

Client charged in multi-handed money laundering case. Lasted 3 weeks.

Wolverhampton Crown Court

R v E and B, 2017 

Two-handed building fraud trial; alleged fraud valued at £250,000.

Birmingham Crown Court

R v B and others, 2014

Twelve-handed conspiracy to steal.

Southampton Crown Court

Financial Crime
Murder and Manslaughter

R v LO and others, 2024

Lee O’Brien was charged alongside his 2 sons with the murder of a man in Birmingham who was O’Brien’s co-defendant in a separate matter. The 3 defendants assaulted the man striking him over the head with a wrench. They then stole 2 Rolex watches from him. Minutes after the attack the victim collapsed and died of a heart attack. The victim had chronic heart disease and was a cocaine user. The case involved complicated questions of intent, causation and toxicology. After lengthy legal argument before the Recorder of Birmingham the prosecution accepted pleas to manslaughter.

Read more:

R v S and another, 2023

The client was charged with the murder and disposal of her step-father. Led by Jane Bickerstaff KC the trial took place at the Central Criminal Court. The client was an extremely vulnerable young woman, and she had the benefit of an intermediary throughout the trial. The evidence centred on her confession to an undercover police officer who had befriended her over a period of some months. The case presented many difficult and unusual elements, including the granting of a special measure allowing the defendant to give evidence via CVP from the cells at the court. It was also necessary, during the trial, to have further psychiatric assessments carried out to determine if she was still fit to be tried.

R v H A and S, 2021

Client charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. It was alleged that S had disposed of evidence on behalf of H by burning. H and A were charged with the murders of two men who had been shot dead on a trading estate in the West Midlands. S was acquitted after a trial lasting two months.

Birmingham Crown Court

R v L, B and C, 2020

Client charged alongside 2 others with the murder of a serving police officer. The 3 defendants were interrupted by police officers whilst stealing a quad bike from a remote location. One officer attempted, on foot, to intercept C who was able to enter a getaway vehicle. The pursuing officer became entangled in a tow rope attached to the car and was dragged behind suffering catastrophic injuries. Led by Patrick Upward KC the client C was acquitted of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.

Central Criminal Court

R v H and another, 2019

Defendant charged with murder over a drugs dispute which resulted in a street fight and the victim being knifed five times. Led by Justin Rouse KC.

Birmingham Crown Court

News report here

R v C, L and S, 2017

Acquittal of client in multi-handed cut throat murder trial which lasted three months at the Central Criminal Court. Led by Jane Bickerstaff KC.

R v H and others, 2014

Led junior in a case of gross negligence manslaughter at

Snaresbrook Crown Court

R v J & others, 2014

Trial for perverting the course of justice in relation to a murder inquiry.

Oxford Crown Court

Murder and Manslaughter
Public Order

R v K and others, 2014

Led junior in trial of a three-handed conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.

Winchester Crown Court

Public Order
Rape and Sexual Offences

R v C, 2014

Trial for multiple rapes and sexual assaults on teenage girls.

Oxford Crown Court

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v C, 2021

The defendant who was 18 years old charged with the murder of a former friend V, following a social media dispute. C and V met unexpectedly in the street, they both apparently simultaneously stabbed each other causing serious injury to C and death to V. Led by Patrick Upward KC.

Birmingham Crown Court

R v KA and others, 2019

Defendant charged with false imprisonment and assault. The trial involved intermediaries for both defence and prosecution.

Birmingham Crown Court

News report here

R v H, 2017

Acquittal of client charged with s.18 GBH. The defendant and his partner were accused of causing serious and life changing brain injuries to their baby by shaking her. Trial lasted 3 weeks in Newcastle Crown Court before Mr Justice Gross. Led by Lee Karu QC. This case involved very interesting and complex medical evidence regarding non-accidental head trauma and required many hours of research to prepare cross-examination of expert witnesses.

R v M and others, 2016

Multi-handed kidnap and section 18 GBH.

Chelmsford Crown Court

R v D, 2015

Trial of the so-called “Bradford sadist” for false imprisonment and assault.

Bradford Crown Court



  • Middle Temple
  • CBA
  • LLB with 1st class Hons, University of Westminster

"Drives the case forward well and always impresses clients."

Chambers UK, 2023