Jollyon Robertson

Jollyon Robertson

Junior Counsel



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Jollyon Robertson is an experienced Leading Junior, appearing on a regular basis in serious criminal cases, including multi-handed cases.

Background and Expertise

Jollyon both Prosecutes and Defends. He has substantial experience at the criminal bar, with over 30 years’ experience in trials in Crown courts across the country, both as a Leading Junior (for 20 years) and as Junior alone.

His cases have included murder, large-scale importation of drugs, kidnapping, false imprisonment, blackmail, recent and historic rape, fraud, money laundering, corruption and armed robbery.

He is highly regarded for his thorough preparation, for his tactical appreciation of case, and for his advocacy skills in court. He is experienced in handling cases which involve vulnerable and young defendants and witnesses.

Jollyon is a Grade 3 prosecutor and on the CPS rape list. He is also a Registered Pupil Supervisor.

In addition to regularly appearing in the Crown Court he has appeared in the Court of Appeal on many occasions. He regularly defends in the Court Martial in the UK (and abroad).

Jollyon recently drafted an article ""Dishonesty" A new test", regarding the Barton and Booth judgment, with Matthew Simpson.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

R v J, 2017

Successful prosecution, after four-week trial, of Chief Financial Officer of public company charged with theft of £1m over two years, in breach of trust.

Harrow Crown Court

R v V, 2016

Defending in £1m “boiler room fraud” case. Legal arguments on prosecution failure to disclose: the direct result was that the prosecution offered no evidence and the case collapsed.

Harrow Crown Court

Bribery and Corruption

R v X, 2021

Successful prosecution in relation to an extreme offence of Dangerous Driving and Possessing Drugs with Intent to Supply.

St Albans Crown Court


R v S, ongoing

Leading Junior for defence in confiscation proceedings where there are said to be substantial hidden assets abroad in a 7 figure sum – arising out of the supply of drugs and controlling prostitution for gain.

Harrow Crown Court

R v A 2021 & 2022

Successful prosecution of a number of separate cases involving the street supply of class 'A Drugs' in Central London. All cases arising out of an ongoing Police operation (Including the deployment of undercover officers).

R v A and others, 2020

Successful prosecution of a number of cases involving Supply of Class A drugs in the West End of London.

R v S, 2018

Successfully defended a man in his early 50s on allegations of conspiracy to import Class ‘A’ drugs from the West Indies. The prosecution sought to introduce bad character evidence from the USA. They also adduced comprehensive telephone schedule evidence all of which was undermined in cross-examination at trial.

R v Mc, 2012

Defending. Defendant acquitted of alleged importation of 3 million ecstasy tablets; released within a short time after a lesser charge of conviction of duty on a substantial quantity of tobacco.
Canterbury Crown Court

R v J, 2010

Leading junior in trial of importation of heroin by low-flying light aircraft under cover of fog. Large bags airdropped in remote location. Advised on experts for defendant in fields of ballistics, aeronautics, radar and satellite/telephones.Canterbury Crown Court

R v A

As leading junior for one of three defendants, successfully defended an Iranian man against allegations of large-scale importation of opium (largest ever at the time). Cut-throat defence with first defendant, who was convicted.
Kingston Crown Court

R v H, 2010

Leading junior for the first defendant in seven-defendant trial, over importation of cannabis by lorries through ports in southern England. Tachograph/surveillance and telephone evidence.
Southampton Crown Court

R v G

Successfully defended a Polish lorry driver against allegations of importing heroin. Advised at an early stage on expert tachograph evidence and on obtaining factual evidence from Poland.

Canterbury Crown Court

Financial Crime

R v M,A,H and K 2021 - 2022

Successful prosecution of four defendants in a 'Crash for Cash' case, In which the defendants had organised an accident on a motorway, involving an unsuspecting 'victim'. The defendants then made a number of high value claims on insurance.

Inner London Crown Court

R v G, 2021

Confiscation proceedings initially in the sum of half a million pounds, but the total was successfully negotiated down to considerably less than half.

Manchester Crown Court

R v K, 2020

Successful prosecution of Conspiracy to Defraud a bank, and Securing Unauthorised Access to Computer Material with Intent.

Inner London Crown Court

R v M, 2019

Counsel for the prosecution in a multi-handed conspiracy to steal high value motorcars. The case involved expert evidence in relation to the electronic ‘relay’ systems used in such thefts, as well as cell site and other telephone evidence. The defendants were convicted.

R v S, 2018

Counsel for the prosecution in relation to theft of a large sum of money from an ex-police officer. Both defendants were convicted, since when further similar thefts have been investigated which the main defendant has accepted.

R v G, 2018

Counsel for the prosecution in relation to a bank robbery by 3 males. Two were not arrested. The third was convicted after a 7 day trial. The evidence involved comprehensive events/telephone schedules which were used to demonstrate the movements of each of the robbers before during and after the robbery.

R v E, 2015

Successfully defended a young lady against potentially life-changing allegations of money laundering. Defendant of good character, acquitted after a two-week trial.
Inner London Crown Court

R v B

Defending (led by QC) in alleged conspiracy to defraud. Major high-profile “horse-doping” trial; appeared for first defendant in a five-defendant trial. Successful exclusion of part of the evidence at the outset of the trial; case collapsed (no case to answer).
Southwark Crown Court

R v M

Leading junior for defence in multi-defendant case, the alleged “Railtrack fraud”. Defendant acquitted three weeks into trial after cross-examination of main witness.

Manchester Crown Court

Financial Crime

R v A, 2012

At the Old Bailey, leading junior defending allegations of possession of a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life. Police had discovered a working and loaded revolver under the defendant’s bed when he was 16. Defendant acquitted of main offence (and convicted of lesser offence, and released shortly after trial).

General Crime

R v D and others (6 Defendants), 2019

Successful prosecution of the Kidnapping and False Imprisonment of a 14 year old school boy.

Croydon Crown Court

Murder and Manslaughter

R v D, 2021

Successful defence of an allegation of Attempted Murder. The allegation involved a knife attack in the hours of darkness on the streets. Defendant acquitted.

Woolwich Crown Court

R v B, 2021

Successful defence of an allegation of Attempted Murder.

Truro Crown Court

R v S, 2021

Three week case involving 3 defendants and an allegation of a machete attack in which the victim’s arm was all but completely severed.  The arrest was for attempted murder, in the end the indictment alleged section 18 wounding with intent.

Luton Crown Court

R v H, 2020


At a Court Martial trial in Bulford it was alleged that a soldier had made serious threats to other soldiers. It was said that he had threatened to shoot them with a rifle. He was also said to have threatened them with a meat cleaver. The soldier was acquitted of any offence and he was able to return to his unit.

R v G, 2018

Successful prosecution of an Armed Robbery. The evidence involved comprehensive telephone and cell site schedules.

Woolwich Crown Court

R v M, 2018

Successful prosecution of Controlling or Coercive Behaviour and Assault.

Canterbury Crown Court

R v M, 2017

Prosecuting. Defendant determined by psychiatrists unfit to plead or stand trial, over charges of malicious communications (“revenge porn”), stalking, threats to kill and racially aggravated harassment. Difficult “trial of issue” took 10 days and involved substantial issues of fact and law, as well as mental health issues.

Harrow Crown Court

R v A, 2016

Defendant acquitted (no case to answer) after successful challenge of DNA evidence in case of possession of a sawn-off shotgun. Co-defendant received 7 years.

Isleworth Crown Court

R v B and 12 others, 2016

Leading junior (for the prosecution) in two long trials involving football violence.

Blackfriars Crown Court

R v T, 2015

Successfully appeared for a defendant with schizophrenia against an allegation of robbery. Advised at early stage re psychiatric and psychological reports, and on the need for an intermediary during the trial.

Southampton Crown Court

R v H, 2015

Young defendant successfully acquitted of section 18 GBH in multi-handed trial after group attack. Deployed expert evidence in relation to blood on shoes. Cut-throat defence; defendant received non-custodial sentence for the lesser offence of section 20 GBH.

Guildford Crown Court

R v H, 2014

As leading junior, successfully defended an allegation of armed robbery at the Old Bailey. Multi-handed case.

R v L

Leading junior for defendant in a nine-defendant case at Harrow Crown Court and Court of Appeal. This was the widely reported “Yarl’s Wood Immigration Detention Centre” trial, for £100m damage caused by arson and violent disorder. Reported on issues of witness training, jury bias and discharge of juror.

R v S

As leading junior, successful defence at Old Bailey of young Estonian man against an allegation of attempted murder after another Estonian was left with brain damage. Eight-week multi-defendant trial involving extensive expert cell site and telephone analysis.

Central Criminal Court

Murder and Manslaughter
Rape and Sexual Offences

R v N 2022

Successful defence of a historic rape allegation.Luton Crown Court

R v O 2022

Successful prosecution of historic rape allegations. 22 counts of rape allegations against stepfather ages from 6 to 12 years old.

R v M 2022

Successful prosecution of historic rape allegations from older brother (Defendant is now ages 24 - events happened approx. 8 years ago).

R v A, 2021

Represented defendant charged with making threats to kill, assault by penetration and controlling and coercive behaviour.

Kingston Crown Court

R v E, 2021

Represented defendant. Allegation of sexual assault by a stranger on the victim during the early hours of darkness and on the streets.

Portsmouth Crown Court

R v H, 2021

Successful defence in a case involving an allegation of Sexual Assault against a soldier who was alleged to have sexually assaulted another soldier’s wife.

Court Martial

R v M, 2019

Successful defence of a soldier accused of indecent behaviour towards a 12 year old boy. Young and vulnerable witnesses involved.Court MartialR v C, 2015Defending a historic sex case: a 67-year-old man was charged with alleged rape on numerous occasions of 7-year-old nephew, 42 years ago. After a long trial the defendant was acquitted. Inner

London Crown Court

R v B, 2015

Successfully defended a 35-year-old man against rape allegations made by two separate complainants who had never met. Substantial character evidence called in support of the defendant’s case.

Southampton Crown Court

R v S, 2013

Successfully defended a young man against an allegation of rape. Autistic complainant. Psychiatric evidence at trial. Intermediary used. Disclosure issues raised by defence in relation to computer records and Facebook accounts of the complainant. Commended on cross-examination.

Croydon Crown Court

R v W, 2016

Defendant of good character charged with single serious sexual assault on a child under 13. Basis of plea negotiated with the prosecution (on instructions from the defendant) on an extremely favourable basis.

Oxford Crown Court

R v F, 2013

Successfully defended a young man against alleged historic rape, seven years earlier, of younger brother by defendant and by two of his uncles. Co-defendant uncles convicted. Defendant acquitted after cross-examination (no case to answer).

Kingston Crown Court

R v M, 2011

Defending. Rape of two complainants who were not known to each other, one of whom was an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital in which the defendant was working. At specific request of the defendant a “Goodyear direction” was sought and given: defendant pleaded guilty to both offences on a basis negotiated with prosecution, and received a much reduced sentence.

Canterbury Crown Court

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v T and D, 2020

Successful prosecution of two young persons who were involved in a serious attack on an older victim and who sustained life changing injuries. Two week trial. The defendants in the case were said to have videoed the attack, and to have streamed it live to a friend.

Inner London Crown Court



  • Middle Temple
  • Western Circuit
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • CPS Panel (Grade 3)
  • CPS RASSO Panel
  • Pupil supervisor
  • Advocacy trainer
  • European Human Rights Conference facilitator
  • BA (Hons) Law, 1979
Activities and Interests
  • Ocean racing
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Member of the Honourable Artillery Company