Matthew Simpson

Matthew Simpson

Door Tenant



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Matthew practises in criminal law and the complementary areas of police law, private prosecutions, licensing, financial crime, professional discipline and court martial.

Matthew also has a developing public law practice accepting instructions on behalf of government bodies. Since he started practising Matthew has rapidly earned a reputation for building solid client rapport and delivering excellent results.

Matthew became a tenant at 9BR Chambers upon completion of pupillage. He has since moved back to his family home in the North East, but maintains an interest in London based work through his 9BR door tenancy.

Areas of Expertise

  • Crime & Police Law

Matthew has a busy defence and prosecution practice in the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Court. He has experience across a range of offences including: fraud, proceeds of crime, firearms, drugs, violence, motoring and sexual offences. Matthew has experience as both prosecution and defence counsel in a variety of single and multi-defendant Crown Court trials and has handled demanding cases involving considerations as to dangerousness, fitness to plead and young and vulnerable witnesses. Matthew has experience in dealing with Criminal Behaviour Orders, Sexual Harm Prevention Orders, and Proceeds of Crime related proceedings and associated orders. As a CPS Grade two prosecutor Matthew frequently advises on issues relating to disclosure.

Additionally, Matthew accepts instructions on behalf of police forces making civil applications relating to domestic violence, sexual offending and applications under the Proceeds of Crime Act, including contested applications for forfeiture of cash. Utilising his broader criminal experience, Matthew offers well-reasoned and timely advice to police forces on operational queries and on issues arising out of disclosure and LPP.


  • Public Law

 As a member of the Government Legal Department’s ‘Junior Junior’ scheme, Matthew accepts instructions on behalf of government bodies. Currently, Matthew is instructed in the defence of a high value malicious prosecution and misfeasance in public office claim, on behalf of a central government department.

Recently, Matthew has also acted on behalf of the Cabinet Office on the Covid-19 Inquiry.


  • Private Prosecutions & Local Authorities

Matthew represents local authorities in private prosecutions, including prosecuting individuals for fraud and trademark breaches and well as breaches under consumer regulations. Matthew is currently instructed as sole prosecution counsel prosecuting a high-value fraud and regulatory case on behalf of a local authority.

Matthew also defends private prosecutions brought by local authorities.


  • Professional Discipline & Court Martial

As a Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Case Presenter, Matthew has experience of presenting cases relating to interim measures and substantive order reviews.

Prior to being called to the Bar, Matthew served as an army infantry officer for over 5 years up to the rank of Captain; leading combat troops on overseas deployments, including multiple active operational tours. Aside from tactical command, he was also involved in overseeing soldiers engaged with internal disciplinary procedures gaining an early insight into military justice often attending court martial as an Assisting Officer. Accordingly, Matthew is well placed to understand military systems and quickly build quality client relationships with servicemen and women.


  • Firearms & Firearms Licensing

Matthew maintains a keen interest in firearms law, utilising his understanding of firearms from his time in military. Matthew appreciates that firearms law is often a challenging area of practice and enjoys bringing his knowledge and expertise to bear to deliver solid and well-reasoned advice and advocacy.

In addition to firearms within a general criminal context, Matthew also represents private clients at the Crown Court appealing police decisions relating to their certification and licensing.


  • Financial and White-Collar Crime

Having been selected from a veterans’ programme, Matthew spent time working in the front office of an investment bank whilst converting to law. Consequently, he is well positioned to advance a financial criminal practice. Previous instructions include, working for a band 1 US white-collar law firm on a multi-jurisdictional and multi-enforcement agency internal investigation into allegations of bribery and corruption. Matthew has also been instructed to assist an international law firm defending two company executives accused of fraud, following the insolvency of a multi-billion dollar publicly listed healthcare company.

Beyond white-collar and financial criminal defence, Matthew has gained prosecution experience through instructions for the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). Matthew spent over 24 months working for the SFO advising on disclosure, relevance and LPP on a fraud and money laundering case in the energy sector.

Notable Cases


R v C, 2023

Prosecution counsel. Prosecuted a multiple count dangerous drive trial made demanding and complex by the unusual situation that defendant was a litigant in person. Received judicial praise for careful and considered handling of the case.

R v S, 2020

Appeal to the Crown Court. Instructed as Prosecution Counsel, successfully resisted a defence appeal against conviction for using a mobile phone whilst driving.

Isleworth Crown Court

R v W, 2020

Special reasons hearing and sentence. Judge persuaded to sentence well below the SCGs to 5 penalty points and a £500 fine for driving 108 mph on a 60-mph road.

Cheltenham Magistrates’ Court


R v K and others, 2020

Five handed class B drugs production sentence. Basis accepted that the offending was lesser “gardener” role, despite evidence indicating potential for significant role. Client sentenced to 10 months.

Norwich Crown Court

R v D, 2020

PWITS class B sentence. HHJ persuaded to sentence at bottom of SCGs to a 6-month SSO with no conditions, despite falling as significant role cat 3 on SCGs.

Guildford Crown Court

Financial Crime

R v J, 2023

Successfully represented Northumbria police in a contested POCA application for forfeiture of £40,000 cash.

Newcastle Magistrates’ Court

Financial Crime
General Crime

B v R, 2024

Persuaded the Court of Appeal that a deprivation order had been wrongly imposed in law by a Crown Court judge at sentence. Deprivation order quashed.

Court of Appeal Criminal Division

R v S, 2022

Secured robbery conviction as prosecution counsel.

Durham Crown Court

R v L, 2022

Prosecution counsel. Secured a conspiracy to burgle conviction after trial. Well organised group burglaries of multiple high-value residential properties throughout Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex. Trial involved adducing extensive cell site, mobile phone and ANPR data.

Guildford Crown Court 

R v H, 2021

Robbery and attempted robbery sentence. Despite a sentencing categorisation with a start point of 4 years (range 3 – 6 years), alongside multiple aggravating factors, HHJ was persuaded to sentence significantly below the sentencing range, imposing a 2-year suspended sentence. Sentencing involved demanding issues relating to mental health and advice on vacating plea. Mitigation advocacy was described by HHJ as “really able”.

Lewes Crown Court

News story here

R v H, 2020

Plea and basis to handling stolen goods accepted on day one of domestic burglary and theft trial. Potential third strike domestic burglary sentence avoided. HHJ persuaded to sentence 20 months in custody.

Wolverhampton Crown Court

R v D, 2019

Mitigation for an aggravated burglary and two s20 GBH counts.  Involved consideration and advice on complex basis of plea. PSR ordered to consider dangerousness. Offending fell at the top of the SCGs. Successfully avoided finding of dangerousness and a sentence below the top category SCGs start point. Sentence of 7 years 6 months.

Inner London Crown Court

R v M, 2019

Handling stolen goods trial. Cross examination of an officer on a voire dire, during trial, after Matthew identified continuity of evidence errors. Crown forced to offer no evidence after application to adjourn successfully opposed in light of previously unidentified evidence handling errors.

Romford Youth Court


R v D, 2024

Led by Toby Hedworth KC at court martial, in the defence of multiple serious historical sexual assaults and rapes. Acquittals obtained on five of the most serious charges including multiple incident rapes.

Court Martial at Catterick

Public Order

R v D, 2024

HHJ “persuaded to draw back from imposing immediate custody” in a sentence for an offence of being drunk on an aircraft which, in all but exceptional circumstances demanded immediate imprisonment.

Durham Crown Court

Public Order
Rape and Sexual Offences

R v H, 2023

Secured the acquittal of a man accused of sexually assaulting his wife. Case involved a successful s41 YJCEA application to adduce critical exculpatory evidence relating to the complainant’s previous sexual history.

Newcastle Crown Court

R v B, 2023

Defended in indecent images case involving detailed and complicated matters of fact and novel aspects of law. Specifically, relating to recently enacted statutory provisions and codes of practice under the Forensic Science Regulator Act. Additionally, the trial involved demanding cross examination of an expert computer science witness concerning the Linux operating system.

R v C, 2019

Stalking and breach of non-molestation order trial. Acquittal obtained on breach of non-molestation order after gaps in Crown’s evidence exposed during cross examination.

Croydon Magistrates’ Court

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v H, 2023

Prosecution counsel. Conviction secured in s20 GBH trial. Case prosecuted on basis of joint enterprise / secondary liability.

Newcastle Crown Court

R v L, 2019

Prosecution conviction secured in transphobic assault and criminal damage trial. Trial involved adducing evidence of multiple young and vulnerable witnesses and cross examination of young defendant. Special measures in place throughout.

Maidstone Magistrates’ Court



  • Gray’s Inn
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • South Eastern Circuit
  • Young Fraud Lawyers Association
  • CPS Panel (Grade 2)
  • NMC Case Presenter
  • ICCA “Advocacy and the Vulnerable Training Programme”
  • AG Civil “Junior Junior” Panel
  • University of Manchester, Politics & History – 1st Class BA (Hons)
  • Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
  • CFA (UK), Investment Management Certificate
  • BPP University, GDL – Commendation
  • University of Law, BPTC – Very Competent
  • BPTC James Crouch Scholar (Gray’s Inn)
  • Internship Award (Gray’s Inn)

"I trust him to offer sound advice and build excellent rapport with clients."

Instructing solicitor

"Matthew is confident, clear and concise...he is the sort of barrister judges welcome having before them, which can only be to the advantage of his clients"

Senior Circuit Jude

"Matthew was well presented, knowledgeable and made me feel at ease throughout it all."

Lay client