Richard Paton Philip

Richard Paton-Philip

Junior Counsel



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Richard Paton-Philip is a criminal and regulatory barrister acting for both the defence and prosecution. 

Background and Expertise

Richard represents parties in cases covering the full spectrum of criminal matters but with a focus on financial crime, serious violence, drug supply  and sexual offending.

Over the years Richard has successfully defended a number of professional people charged with serious financial crimes.

In 2015 - 2016 Richard  joined a team of barristers assisting a leading global bank to fulfil its regulatory obligations. Richard  has also worked on  financial crime investigations within the financial services sector (money laundering, corruption, insider trading and fraud).

In August 2020, in response to growing demand from clients for advice upon the impact of the UK Bribery Act on International companies with subsidiaries or related organisations in the UK, Richard, together with Steven Kay KC, set up the UK Bribery Act International Advisory Service.

In a prosecution capacity  Richard was recently seconded to the FCA's Criminal Prosecutions Team providing pre-charge advice in respect of specific criminal matters under FCA investigation. In  the wake of the global financial crisis Richard was part of an SFO team that prosecuted a prominent hedge fund manager for fraud and related offences.

Richard is frequently instructed in cases involving serious violence, firearms, the supply or importation of drugs and  sexual offending. He  is also an experienced Court Martial practitioner regularly defending military personnel charged with criminal and military discipline offences.

In the regulatory sphere Richard represents parties appearing before a range of disciplinary tribunals including those concerning the alleged misconduct of police officers, nurses, and sports people (boxing in particular).

If you are a member of the public seeking to instruct a barrister directly under the Direct Access Scheme, in relation to a road traffic matter for example, Richard can be contacted through the clerking team at 9BR Chambers.

Notable Cases

Disciplinary and Regulatory

Devon and Cornwall Police v P, 2023

Shotgun Licensing Appeal. Licence and guns restored to client with the police ordered to pay his legal costs.

England Boxing v L

Prosecuted bout supervisor for procuring an advantage for a boxer by falsely representing one or more of the judges scorecards so that the boxer was declared winner of the bout.

Chief Constable of Surrey Police v B

Represented police officer facing disciplinary proceedings concerning allegations of racially abusive behaviour.


Disciplinary proceedings against Care Home Manager in relation to widespread allegations of neglect. Represented the NMC.


Prosecuted disciplinary proceedings concerning a nurse sexually assaulting a colleague.

England Boxing v C

Prosecuted disciplinary proceedings brought against boxing coach for ringside dispute and assaulting a referee.

Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police v O

Represented police officer in relation to allegations of widespread Data Protection breaches.

Disciplinary and Regulatory

R v K, 2024

Drink Driving - Failure to provide specimen of breath. Senior Police Officer alleged to have failed to provide specimen of breath at the roadside and then at the police station. Acquitted after advancing a medical reasons defence.

R v R, 2019

Direct Access. Drug driving allegation. Identified shortcomings in prosecution investigation and disclosure process. Following written representations, the CPS abandoned its case before trial.


R v A, 2024

Conspiracy to Supply Cocaine. Leading Jessica Peck. Client acquitted of main conspiracy and jury hung in relation to a further conspiracy. Alleged to have been moving significant quantities of the drug as part of an Essex–based supply chain.

R v P, 2024

Importation of Cocaine valued at £2 million. Led by Mark Wyef KC. Client acquitted of large-scale importation by sea.

R v F, 2023

Exportation of Methamphetamine. Defending client facing allegation of exporting approximately £16 million worth of the drug to another jurisdiction.

R v D, 2020

Instructed to represent defendant alleged to have played a leading role in supplying Cocaine into Kent.

Maidstone Crown Court

News report here

R v P, 2020

Instructed to represent defendant in relation to an alleged attempt to import Cocaine using a cruise ship and a number of smaller vessels.

Winchester Crown Court

Read more here

R v P, 2019

Conspiracy to produce cannabis. Defendant arrested amidst crop worth £¼ million. Jury could not reach a verdict. Convicted at re-trial but suspended sentence and significantly reduced confiscation order.

Snaresbrook Crown Court

Read more here

R v R, 2019

Direct Access. Drug driving allegation. Identified shortcomings in prosecution investigation and disclosure process. Following written representations the CPS abandoned its case before trial.

Salisbury Magistrates Court

R v G, 2019

Negotiated plea in cannabis production conspiracy leading to short sentence. £300,000 worth of cannabis.

Teeside Crown Court

Read more here

Financial Crime

R [HMRC] v N, 2024

Client alleged to have transferred approximately £1 million to Nigeria on behalf of others and without the requisite regulatory authority to do so. Negotiated guilty plea leading to a nominal fine.

R v B, 2024

Fraud by false representation. Prosecuting. Allegations of a Children’s Home consultant acquiring goods for private use.

R v B, 2023

Fraud. Defending first defendant in £500k puppy farm fraud.

Individual X, 2021

Co-author of substantial report on the business activities and companies of X - an individual who had been accused of bribery and corruption by the Wall Street Journal. Findings that the article by the WSJ was based upon unreliable and inaccurate hearsay provided by a UK intelligence company that had not conducted any corroborative research for its report.

International Company X, 2020

Advice upon the impact of UK Bribery Act, FCPA and US State law for a global company with UK and US subsidiaries to ensure compliance as a result of sponsorship of political causes.

R v K, 2019

Successfully defended accountant alleged to have laundered the proceeds of a £100 million fraud against HMRC. Led by Simon Stirling.

Southwark Crown Court

R v I, 2019

Accountancy student acquitted of fraud and theft of high value cars

Inner London Crown Court

Seconded to FCA’s Criminal Prosecutions Team, 2017

Advising the FCA in relation to a range of specific investigations and criminal prosecutions.

Seconded to Global Bank X, 2016

Review and remediation of regulatory compliance standards. Internal investigations into suspicious activities and transactions.

R v C & ors (Operation Cotton), 2014-15

Company Director acquitted of fraud that had resulted in investor losses exceeding £4 million. Led by Samantha Cohen in one of the FCA’s largest ever criminal prosecutions and the first of its kind in respect of land-banking cases.

Southwark Crown Court

R v P, 2013-2014

Disclosure Counsel in SFO prosecution of hedge fund manager. Fraud resulted in investor losses exceeding $530 million.

Financial Crime

R v L, 2023

Sexual Assault. Client facing trial by Court Martial in relation to allegations of groping another member of the armed forces in another jurisdiction.

R v D, 2022

Defence of Special Forces NCO tried for attempting to pervert the course of justice. Acquitted.

R v C, 2019

Defended Officer Cadet accused of waterboarding fellow officer cadet. Trial collapsed during complainant’s evidence after successful defence submissions led to further disclosure and prosecution decision to abandon case. Client has commissioned to chosen regiment.

Bulford Court Martial

Read more:

R v D, 2019

Soldier serving in Germany acquitted of sexual assault on German civilian in nightclub.

Sennelager Court Martial

R v B, 2019

Soldier accused of violent disorder. Prosecution dropped the case on day of trial after successful submissions.

Bulford Court Martial

R v K, 2019

Allegations of domestic violence. Submissions made led to further prosecution review resulting in discontinuance of the case.

Bulford Court Martial

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v C, 2024

Instructed to represent client facing allegation of rape made by his ex-partner.

R v O, 2024

Prosecuting. Defendant convicted of causing a child to watch a sexual act and sexual communications with a child.

R v C, 2023

Rape. Defending. Historic rapes and sexual assaults of stepson and niece.

R v L, 2022

Rape. Defendant on trial for subjecting his half-sister (8 years old at the time) to a campaign of rape and other sexual abuse.

R v , 2021

Attempted Rape. Instructed to represent a pensioner accused of trying to rape a young woman in a park.

R v C, 2020

Rape. Successful defence of client alleged to have beaten and raped a friend.

Wolverhampton Crown Court

R v M, 2020

Instructed to represent former police officer accused of making an indecent video of a child.

St Albans Crown Court

R v P, 2019

Defended former celebrity bodyguard in relation to historic sexual abuse allegations made by his step-daughter.

Isleworth Crown Court

R v P, 2018

Represented childcare professional acquitted of serious sexual assaults against two sisters under the age of 13.

Luton Crown Court

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v M, 2019

Instructed to represent huntsmen and terrier men in a Nottinghamshire Hunting Act prosecution.

R v A, 2019

Defended huntsman for alleged Hunting Act offence and a related fracas with hunt saboteurs.

Ipswich Magistrates Court

Read more on BBC


R v D, 2024

Murder. Led by Dean George KC. Multiple stab wounds. Autistic client acquitted of murder.

R v W-A, 2024

Attempted False Imprisonment. Allegedly trying to snatch a child from a street in north London. Client not fit to plead. Jury found that he did not do the act (Actus Reus trial).

R v H, 2024

Stalking. Client acquitted, CPS offering no evidence after cross-examination of complainant.

R v F, 2024

s.20 GBH. Allegation relating to injuries suffered by partner during a domestic incident. Acquitted.

R v F, 2024

s.18 GBH. Prosecuting. Defendant convicted of sustained attack using fists and shod foot.

R v B, 2024

Causing Serious Injury by dangerous driving. Prosecuting a defendant who had driven his car into a young boy after a trivial dispute.

R v B, 2023

Prosecuting football fan for racially abusing a high-profile premier league footballer.

R v W, 2022

S.18 GBH. Defendant alleged to have caused life threatening injuries during a high-speed car chase on London's streets. Instructed for the Defence. Trial pending.

R v 2022

Attempted s.18 GBH. Defendant allegedly chased a neighbour and repeatedly tried to slash and stab him with a kitchen knife. Instructed for the Defence. Trial pending.

R v L, 2020

Instructed for defendant alleged to have injured three police officers while trying to escape in a stolen vehicle.

Croydon Crown Court

R v H, 2019

s.18 double stabbing of fairground workers. Prosecution abandoned case after successful representations and submissions.

Oxford Crown Court

Read more on Banbury Guardian

R v W, 2019

Acquitted of s.18 GBH. Broken bottle used to inflict serious neck injuries.

Wolverhampton Crown Court

R v S, 2019

Acquitted of s.18 GBH. Lump of concrete thrown from railway bridge causing brain damage to a child.

Birmingham Crown Court

R v P, 2019

Acquitted of affray on High Street involving sword, catapults and baseball bat.

Basildon Crown Court

R v H, 2019

Represented defendant charged with s.18 GBH. Use of tools to inflict really serious harm.

Birmingham Crown Court



  • Criminal Bar Association
  • ARDL
  • CPS Panel (Grade 3)
  • London School of Economics 1999-2002
  • Inns of Court School of Law 2003-2004
Activities and Interests
  • Horses and sport