Confiscation and Restraint



The UK as a global leader in the recovery of the proceeds of crime. 9BR Chambers brings a breadth of expertise in both criminal and civil litigation at whatever stage and in whatever forum is required.

Our barristers bring their knowledge and skills in cases involving illicit finances and the proceeds of crime to advise and represent individuals, corporates, investigating and prosecuting authorities, and interested third parties.

Our counsel are experienced in dealing with the UK’s complex set of criminal and civil laws in relation to the movement of money and assets allegedly linked to criminal offending. We prosecute and defend pre-charge and post-charge proceedings in criminal courts and  act for claimants and defendants in civil proceedings, including the commencement of civil claims and applications for ancillary orders to preserve assets.

Members of 9BR Chambers sit on the Crown Prosecution Service, Serious Fraud Office and proceeds of crime panels, these provide us with significant experience to undertake complex and high-profile criminal investigations and asset recovery work. Clients benefit from our barristers working closely with financial investigators and professional experts.

Our barristers have specific experience and expertise with:

  • Account Forfeiture Orders
  • Account Freezing Orders
  • Account Monitoring Orders
  • Anti-money laundering regulations
  • Appointment of management receivers
  • Asset tracing
  • Civil forfeiture
  • Civil Recovery Order
  • Confiscation Orders (including section 10A POCA third party interests)
  • Contempt proceedings (arising out of breach of orders)
  • Customer Information Orders
  • Interim Freezing Orders / Property Freezing Orders
  • Money laundering offences
  • Registration of Overseas Entities
  • Restraint Orders
  • Unexplained Wealth Orders