


Whether international drug trafficking, street dealing or personal possession, 9BR Chambers offers adept analysis and expert case strategy.

9BR Chambers specialises in serious and organised crime cases involving the importation and supply of illegal drugs and individuals accused of their supply, possession or importation.

These cases often require careful analysis of supporting evidence such as phone communications, cell site data, financial records, forensics and expert evidence about the drug trade. Our barristers channel this evidence to make adept strategic decisions. We regularly appear in ‘county line’ drug dealing cases that can entail human trafficking defences arising  from the Modern Slavery Act.

Some of our cases:

  • Leading the legal challenge to the admissibility of Encrochat evidence within the United Kingdom. 
  • Representing a defendant accused of importing £118 million of cocaine into the United Kingdom who was found not guilty after a six week trial. 
  • Representing a barrister accused of buying drugs from his own clients. 
  • Prosecuting more than twenty defendants accused of supplying multi-kilo amounts of class A drugs across Birmingham and possessing firearms to support their criminal enterprise. 
  • Representing a youth accused of supplying class A drugs who was found not guilty after advancing a Modern Slavery Act defence.