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Caroline Macpherson

Junior Counsel



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Caroline specialises in international criminal law, and British fraud and financial regulation.

She has worked on highly sensitive and classified cases, both internationally and for the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Caroline also advises organisations and governments on legal reform – and frequently drafts applications to international bodies such as the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Human Rights Council.

Background and Expertise

Throughout her work, Caroline has demonstrated her ability to condense large amounts of evidence and complex issues into clear, concise pleadings.

She has worked on a number of cases before international tribunals in the Hague and in Bangladesh, both as part of defence teams and in the judges’ chambers – and was also judicial assistant in the French-speaking Chamber III of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

At home, Caroline appears in British criminal courts, including courts martial. She has worked on large-scale matters with the FCA and the SFO, such as the recent allegations of abuse of the Forex market, and a classified bribery case. Caroline has experience working on inquests, notably the Hillsborough inquests, where she was part of a team of junior counsel who reviewed documents for disclosure to the 24 interested parties.

Out of court, Caroline drafts opinions and applications on legal issues and constitutional reform, such as a review of the 1964 Police Act and related constitutional provisions in Sierra Leone for the American Bar Association (ABA) and UN Development Programme (UNDP); individual communications to the OHCHR; or a report for the Sri Lankan Young Lawyers Association on the impeachment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Dr Shirani Bandaranyake.

Caroline accepts instructions in English and French.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

Classified case, 2016

Part of a junior team analysing the evidence in a sensitive bribery and corruption investigation conducted by the SFO.

Bribery and Corruption
International Human Rights

Prosecutor v Sayedee; Chowdhury; Nizami; Azam; Kamaruzzaman, Mujahid, Molla; Quasem Ali, 2012–13

International Crimes Tribunal (Bangladesh) Junior on a London-based defence team led by Steven Kay KC in cases of crimes against humanity and genocide. Work included evidence handling and analysis, research, legal submissions, drafting, and communications to the HRC and OHCHR.

The Prosecutor v Prlic et al, 2011–12

ICTY, Trial Chamber III Assisted in the research and drafting of the judgment of six accused - all senior political or military figures in the ‘Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna’, charged with crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and violations of laws and customs of war as part of a joint criminal enterprise.

International Human Rights

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  • CBA
  • Criminal Association des Juristes Franco-Britanniques
  • Avocats sans Frontières
  • IBA Human Rights Institute
  • Bar Human Rights Committee
  • BA in European Social and Political Studies, University College London
  • DipLaw, City University
  • BPTC, BPP Law School
  • Major Scholar, Inner Temple
  • Pegasus Scholar
Activities and Interests
  • Lecturer on international law
  • Conference speaker