John Traversi

John Traversi

Junior Counsel



"A committed, painstaking professional, who identifies the issues and finds the way through the evidential..."


On this page

John Traversi is an established criminal law practitioner, defending and prosecuting in a wide range of cases. He has defended in high level drugs conspiracies, human trafficking cases, fraud and revenue cases, murders and serious violence and sexual offending.

His cases have often involved a transnational element, where his language skills have been of particular use.

Over recent years he has worked with members of the 9BR international team on a variety of projects. In March 2021 he was co-author with Steven Kay KC of “Kazakhstan: Questions About Government, Justice & International Arbitrations”. In May 2021 he was part of the 9BR Chambers international team that produced A Report on the Lundin Case commissioned by the Board of Directors for Lundin Energy. Currently he is engaged in the provision of international legal services to the Government of South Sudan challenging international sanctions designations and an arms embargo imposed by the UN, EU, UK and US on individuals and entities.

Background and Expertise

He is often asked to advise on proceedings abroad by UK nationals who have found themselves in trouble in foreign civil law jurisdictions.

He is a grade 4 prosecutor, on the serious crime and fraud panels.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

R v D, 2017

Defended blackmail of business man.

Bribery and Corruption

R v O, 2017

Defended multi-handed class A supply conspiracy.

R v Binford Ltd

Defending in Isle of Man pharmaceutical fraud case.

R v Ibanez Cantero

Importation of 77kg of cocaine.

R v Sanchez Gonzalez

Importation of 100kg of cocaine.

R v Castro Peitado

Possession with intent to supply 44kg of cocaine.

Financial Crime

R v S and J, 2018

Prosecuted theft of £500,000 inheritance.

R v F and others, 2017

Prosecuted multi handed £1,000,000 credit card conspiracy.

R v Fleming and others

Defending in four-month duty evasion trial.

R v C and others

Prosecuted solicitors’ office manager over a £6m mortgage fraud. Extensive Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) proceedings seeking a £10m benefit order.

Financial Crime

R v S, L and F, 2018

Prosecuted serious firearms and drug dealing conspiracies.

R v S and others

Prosecuted serious firearms and drug dealing conspiracies.

R v SS and others

Prosecuted multiple weapon shoot out on Broadwater Farm Estate

R v R and others

Prosecuted shoot out on World’s End Estate.

General Crime

R v F and H, 2021

Prosecuted two defendants charged with modern day slavery, assault and drugs offences. Following a two week trial defendants were sentenced to 17 and 12 years imprisonment.

Isleworth Crown Court

News report here

R v G and others, 2019

Prosecuted class A cuckooing/county line case.

R v Joyce and others

Defended in modern slavery case where victim had been held in servitude for more than 40 years.

International Crime

Lundin Oil Company, 2019-ongoing

Universal jurisdiction proceedings in Sweden alleging war crimes committed in Sudan 1997-2003 against Lundin Oil Company, its Chairman and CEO. The matter is currently at the investigation stage.

Read more here

International Crime
International Human Rights

R v K and L and others

Defending in a case of human trafficking for sexual purposes, one of the first such cases involving eastern European defendants.

International Human Rights
Investigations and Inquiries

R (ex parte Corbett) v Secretary of State for Justice and National Offender Management Service

Challenging the imposition of a “polygraph test” as a condition on release from prison of a sex offender.

Investigations and Inquiries
Murder and Manslaughter

R v D

Prosecuted ‘sex romp’ murder.

Murder and Manslaughter
Rape and Sexual Offences

R v P, 2019

Prosecuted a child rape case.

R v Z, 2018

Prosecuted rape allegations, 4 day disclosure hearing.

R v J

Defended allegation of marital rape over 20 years. Origins of complaint in Poland and evidence taken from there.

Rape and Sexual Offences

R v A and others, 2019

Prosecuted 6 handed violent disorder.

R v A, 2018

Prosecuted historic allegations of child abuse going back many years.



  • South Eastern Circuit
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Appointed to list of defence counsel at:
  • International Criminal Court
  • Special Tribunal for Lebanon
  • International Tribunal for Rwanda
  • CPS Panel (Grade 4)
  • CPS Serious Crime Panel (Grade 4)
  • CPS Fraud Panel (Grade 4)
  • South Sudan Reports:
    • Pushing the Reset Button - Read here
    • The Government of South Sudan's Response to The Sentry Report - Read here 
    • Setting the Record Straight - Read here
  • MA Modern Languages and History, University of Oxford
  • Downside School
Activities and Interests
  • Oral trials in Mexico 2006 - 2008 training judges and lawyers in Mexico on oral trial techniques.
  • Jury trials in Kazakhstan 2006 - training judges and lawyers in jury trial techniques
  • Admitted to list of defence counsel at ICC and STL