International People’s Tribunal on Iran’s Atrocities returns its Judgment


International People’s Tribunal on Iran’s Atrocities returns its Judgment; Colleen Rohan on panel

On 30 September 2022, the panel of judges for the International People’s Tribunal on Iran’s Atrocities (the Aban Tribunal) returned its judgment finding that in November 2019, during nationwide protests against policies of the Iranian government, government security forces committed crimes against humanity throughout the country directed at its own population.

Those crimes included murder, torture, sexual assault, enforced disappearances, unlawful detention and persecution.   

The Judgment is particularly timely given the current events in Iran including, again, widespread protests against government policies and the violent state reaction against the Iranian people.

In its Judgment the Tribunal calls upon the Iranian government to institute criminal proceedings against those reasonably suspected of these crimes and to hold those responsible accountable.  

It calls upon the government of Iran to acknowledge its responsibility for the human rights violations and crimes which took place during the November 2019 protests; to issue a full and frank apology for its actions; to ensure reparations and compensation for victims and their families; and to immediately release those still held in detention. 

It calls upon the international community to open investigations, including those based upon universal jurisdiction, to investigate and prosecute those involved in the criminal conduct which took place in November 2019.  

Finally, it recommends that the United Nations Security Council refer the Iranian situation to the International Criminal Court.

The Aban Tribunal was launched in November 2020.  It held hearings in November 2021 and February 2022 during which the testimony of 55 witnesses was heard.  An additional 169 witnesses submitted written testimony, including a number of expert witnesses.  The full Judgment of the Tribunal is due to be published in the next two weeks.

Judges on the panel included Colleen Rohan, Associate Door Tenant at 9BR Chambers and ICLB member.

Information about the Aban Tribunal as well as the text of the Summary Judgment read on 30 September can be found at:

Film of the reading of the Judgment on 30 September can be viewed at: