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Andrew Malkinson, represented by Max Hardy in his successful appeal, guest edited Today on Radio 4

On 29 December 2023, Andrew Malkinson guest edited Today on Radio 4.

Max Hardy, led by Edward Henry KC (Mountford Chambers) and instructed by APPEAL, represented Andrew Malkinson in his successful appeal this year and the broadcast can be listened to here.

In August, shortly after judgment was handed down, Max wrote about his experience of acting in the case in his blog, Counsel of Perfection, which can be read here.

In September, Max and James Burley, APPEAL's investigator, gave a lecture on the case hosted by 9BR Chambers which can be viewed here.

In December, Max appeared on the Cross Examination podcast with Joanna Hardy-Susskind (Red Lion Chambers) to discuss the case and miscarriages of justice generally. The podcast can be listened to here.