
Ben Joyes successfully applies to High Court to reopen appeal in PT v Romania [2024] EWHC 1269 (Admin)

In a recently published judgment, Mrs Justice McGowan granted PT leave to reopen their appeal under Article 8 ECHR, and to add a new ground under section 25 of the Extradition Act 2003.

PT argued that new expert medical evidence established that he was the victim of sustained abuse in prison in Romania akin to that set out in XY v Netherlands [2019] EWHC 624 (Admin). Finding that PT’s case was “exceptional”, the High Court concluded “that there is a real risk of a real injustice and that exceptionally in this case, given the availability of the material, there are good grounds for re-opening the appeal.”

PT was represented before the High Court by Ben Joyes of 9BR Chambers, who was instructed by Andrea Vasiliou of ITN solicitors.

Read full judgment here

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