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Jordan Santos-Sindes obtains discharge in Spanish accusation case

On 24 November 2021, “NQ” was discharged from extradition proceedings before the Westminster Magistrates’ Court after his Arrest warrant was withdrawn.

NQ argued that the Spanish authorities had not made a decision to charge or to try him with an offence and thereby relied on the statutory bar in section 12A of the Extradition Act 2003. He accepted that he was the person named on the Arrest warrant but disputed that he had committed the index offence. The sole evidential link was an apparent forensic hit whose veracity NQ hotly contested. He produced a report from an expert on the Spanish Penal Code and the Spanish criminal justice system who consulted the domestic case file. This confirmed that the official investigation was in its infancy and there was little else to tie NQ to the offence apart from the alleged forensic hit. After the report came to attention of the issuing judicial authority, the Arrest warrant was withdrawn.

Jordan Santos-Sindes of 9BR Chambers, instructed by the Gitana Megvine of Taylor Rose MW, represented NQ. 

Find out more about 9BR Chambers’ Extradition Team here.

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