
Sean Sullivan successfully defends man accused of massive drug importation

Sean defended RH over the course of a five-week trial at Birmingham Crown Court. RH was accused of being the equal of the ringleader in a conspiracy to import cocaine into the United Kingdom. 

The case against the defendant included his close personal and professional links to the ringleader, telephone messaging and covert recordings. Sean attacked and undermined each aspect of the prosecution's case arguing that the interpretation put upon the evidence was simply incorrect. 

The drugs involved weighed over 1.5 tonnes, had a street value of more than £100 million and constituted one of the largest seizures within the United Kingdom in 2022. 

The jury found RH to be not guilty of the two conspiracies to import and supply cocaine that he faced. 

Those defendants who were convicted will be sentenced later this year. 

Sean appeared alone instructed by JD Solicitors. 

Press coverage can be found here



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