
Stefan Hyman & James Chaplin win Greek extradition case at Westminster Magistrates’ Court

Stefan Hyman, instructed by James Chaplin of Hollingsworth Edwards, secured EA’s discharge in extradition proceedings at Westminster Magistrates’ Court. Using the original case material, they successfully argued that the information in a UK TCA Arrest warrant was insufficient to comply with Article 6 ECHR and EU & UK law as it did not demonstrate that EA had been properly summonsed to trial and, therefore, was not deliberately absent therefrom on account of a manifest lack of diligence. Nor did the information which the Greek judicial authority supplied show that EA would be entitled to a retrial or equivalent. The District Judge refused to afford the Greek judicial authority additional time to address EA’s arguments. Stefan and James were assisted with expert evidence from Alexis Anagnostakis of Anagnostakis Law Offices (Athens). The decision is not yet final since Crown Prosecution Service has seven days to appeal the District Judge’s decision.


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